Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Liver Importance

Liver Importance

Dear reader,
Today, I would like to share my views about the importance of human liver. Our discussion starts with the following figure.

Scarred Liver:
        a. Fatty Livers:
                Sedentary lifestyle(without any physical work after taking food) higher intake of  fatty foods, higher alcohol consumption and smoking are widely practiced in today's generation. Who is recklessly taking their liver, for granted to clean up the mess?  

        b. Recognize the signs of Liver under attack:
                 Scar tissue build up leading to cirrhosis is a slow gradual process as cirrhosis scar tissues slowly replace with the healthy liver tissue. Liver first swells and then starts shrinking upon degrading of cirrhosis. In early state, cirrhosis are asymptomatic, wherein the liver still continues to function but as the disease progress, liver shrinks. We observe the following.
        i. Itching
        ii. Edema
        iii. Fatigue
        iv. Weakness and nausea
        v. Weight loss due to loss of appetite.
        vi. Fluid bluish in abdomen.
        vii. Confusion and slurred speech.

        c. Diagnosis the cirrhosis liver:
                General factors such as alcohol consumption, obesity, hepatitis infections etc., play a vital role in directing the diagnosis of cirrhosis along with analyzing the patient medical and functional history.
        d. Blood test:
                This includes for ANA(Anti-Nuclear Antibody), AMA(Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody), Blood alcohol level, hepatitis infections and iron levels to determine the factor of cirrhosis.
        e. Liver function test:
                A sample of blood taken to determine the liver damage upon the estimation of excessive levels of bilirubin released when red blood cells are break down. Others are analyzed under the liver function test intake albumin, globulin, total serum protein where enzymes like aspirate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase.
        f. Kidney function test:
                Later stages of cirrhosis are marked by a reduce in kidney function, which is determined by testing creatinine levels.
        g. Clotting test:
                Prothrombin time and the international normalized ratio tests are commonly recommended to assess liver function. This test measure the time taken by the blood to clot and elevated results are considered to be an indicator of liver disease.
Acute Viral Hepatitis:
          A series of blood tests are performed to detect any current or past hepatitis A, B, C and infections to further observe diagnose acute liver function.
        Early cirrhosis is deal by providing target treatment of it's various casual factors such as treatment program for alcohol consumption, controlling blood sugar levels and weight, medications to control Hepatitis infections. There exist no single treatment to cure cirrhosis or repair already scarred liver. But, as per the cause, and extent of liver damage suggest lifestyle and dietary changes.
Coping with cirrhosis:
          Suffering from a chronic cirrhosis is not easy and takes a full even on the strongest and healthiest mind. A condition like cirrhosis need proper care and follow ups when affected gets regular treatment.
        1. Proper vaccinations against infections like Influenza, Pneumonia, Hepatitis etc. should be taken.
        2. Limit the salt amount and protein in your diet.
        3. Keep proper dental hygiene to avoid any mouth inflammation and gum bleeding.

        This disease does not happen in a day. It may be a silent killer. For years damaging liver without any symptoms. Or may have with some complications when lifestyle involved consume drinking and addictive smoking much to the ignore for years by the affected cirrhosis is fatal if left attended. The therefore, do not take liver for granted to clean up the toxins accumulations.
        Detoxifying blood from harmful substances like alcohol, bacteria, chemicals, to storing vitamins, iron in blood and sugar glucose. Destroying old red blood cells and aiding in digestion by secreting bile. Our body largest glandular organ liver is a multi-worker.
        Liver health is important for maintain metabolism. And to perform over 500 functions important for survival. It not only aid in production of blood clotting protein i.e., K-Vitamin. But also, absorb dietary fats, cholesterol, Vitamins A, E and D working throughout the day and processing everything ingested.

        Blessed with the wonderful capacity to regenerate liver cells(Hepatocytes) have regenerate and grow back from as little as 25% available liver mess. After a surgical removal this regeneration start to fail when an individual is severely affected by a prolonged or severe alcohol consumption. Taking excess deposit of components, i.e., glycoproteins, collagens etc., that creates excessive fibrous scar tissues and abnormal regenerative nodules. The blood flow through liver and slowly the  production of proteins and other substances. The processing of drugs, toxins continuously injure liver over time leading to liver cirrhosis. A medical condition which convert a normal liver architecture into that of structurally abnormal nodules and fibrous scar tissues.  

With this information, I hope you would understand the importance of Liver. Please feel free to give comments or suggestions in the below section. See you in my next article.

Thank You.


About rsktutors -

RSK is an Associate Professor in Master of Computer Applications, having 15+ years of teaching experience in computer science. He taught and shared his knowledge with more than thousand students, which brings excellent future for them. He is also article writer for various computer books which were using by so many private education institutions. He also developed and deployed a good number of software applications for private educational institutions. You can find RSK on Google+ and Facebook.

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